April Weekly Menu
Happy Holy Week! Easter is only a week away! We have a relatively easy week ahead of us which will be great to get everything done before the busy weekend
Learning to Balance Farm and Mom Life: Appreciating Every Blessed Moment
Happy Holy Week! Easter is only a week away! We have a relatively easy week ahead of us which will be great to get everything done before the busy weekend
Yay! I think it is safe to say that spring is finally here! And while this week’s meal plan probably doesn’t have what you would typically call “spring” foods, it
Who has a crazy week ahead of them? We do! Cody is heading out of town at the beginning of week for work. He will be gone 2 nights. Then
It’s that time of the month to clean out the cabinets! You know, all those food items that haven’t been used. Don’t let me fool you. I haven’t been able
A new week, a new set of meals! This week it is back to work for me as Spring Break is over. 🙁 On the other hand, that only means
Here is my weekly meal plan as well as the recipes that go with it! (If I have them in recipe form. There are so many meals I make just