Weekly Meal Planning – March 24 – 30
It’s that time of the month to clean out the cabinets! You know, all those food items that haven’t been used. Don’t let me fool you. I haven’t been able to use every recipe I have posted each week. There are nights things just don’t work out and we get fast food or we just have enough already made so we eat leftovers and mama doesn’t have to cook. So, that means this week, we are making all those meals we just haven’t used or the meals that I have in the freezer.
That being said, you have seen these meals before, but maybe you haven’t tried them either! The best part of all of this? The grocery trip is going to be short and sweet! Just stocking up on the essentials, which to be honest is only milk. 🙂

Biscuits and Gravy – These come from a can 🙂 The gravy is homemade using pork or beef sausage, but that is just a rue with milk, salt and pepper. Easy peasy!
Pizza Casserole – I didn’t get this recipe made the other week so it is back on the menu!

Baked Spaghetti – We have a pan of this in the freezer still to use up! We didn’t eat it last week.

White Chicken Chili – We LOVED this recipe! Luckily we still have some in the freezer, so no need to cook tonight!
Fish Fillet Sandwiches – Aren’t Vandekamp’s great! 🙂 This Lenten meal isn’t anything extravagant.
Cheeseburger Tater Tot Casserole – Another recipe that I usually freeze half of. This means we get to eat for free tonight!
We hope you have a great week ahead of you! Hopefully I will get more done since most of these are freezer meals, which means less cooking… right? How do you go about cutting down on your cooking?