Baby is Growing Up! : Baby Mia Update
Oh my goodness! It has been almost two months since I’ve had a chance to blog, so I think we will catch up with a quick update! It is crazy to think about how much our little baby is growing up! She is almost one year old!
I have been way busier than I planned since starting school again, and what gets put to the wayside as soon as things get busy? Hobbies. Which, I guess isn’t necessary a bad thing. It’s better the hobbies get put to the side versus the husband, kids, or laundry. However, its nice to get back to some me time as well!
So what has been going on since school started in August? This post contains affiliate links. See Disclosures Policy for more info.
Community Activities
Mia went to her first rodeo and Labor Day church picnic. Turns out, she likes watching horses run around and even likes fireworks! Hopefully the fireworks continue into next year and we can celebrate the 4th of July with a little more of a bang!

Outside Fun
No matter how much our baby is growing up, Mia still loves swinging! Â Her excitement is super contagious no matter what swing she is in! I LOVE how easy it is to get her in and out of this Little Tikes Swing
that we purchased this summer.
The folding down T-bar makes it wayyyyy easier to get her in and out! I am always terrified of scratching her legs or getting her stuck on the other swing types. I only wish the straps were a little easier to unsnap. Sometimes I feel like I am going to break a nail on them. So far so good though!
Mia also likes running around the yard and picking up about anything she can find. Rocks are her favorite, but black walnuts aren’t too far behind! She is better at taking the walnuts out of the bucket than she is at putting them in!

Making Friends
Mia has become even more obsessed with her kitties. Daisy and Oscar are some of her best friends. However, they don’t usually feel the same way! Sometimes Mia is nice and she is learning how to sit next to them and pet, other times she chases them around, pulls their tail and legs and giggles manically. Luckily Daisy is very accommodating and will put up with about anything from Mia. Oscar just gets up and runs away. I think Oscar is the smarter of the two!
Mia has also been making some friends at daycare. She has been going to daycare 5 days a week and has been doing pretty well! I just hope she is finally learning how to share! She is exposed to all kinds of play and seems to enjoy it. There are days she is probably more ready to go than mom is!
Finally, the biggest change is that Mia is WALKING! As if we needed any more proof that our little baby is growing up, she is completely mobile. It isn’t quite as bad as I thought it was going to be. I think that is because she was very good at crawling before she found her feet. We were already used to chasing her around the house, but she does get a little farther a little faster now!
One of her favorite games to play is “I’m Gonna Get You!” She will run away laughing and screaming, turning her head to see how far you are behind her. When you catch her she finds it even funnier. We play this game time after time and she still gets mad when you stop.
The biggest disadvantage to Mia walking is that she gets to you so much faster when she wants something. If she is not in a good mood and I am trying to cook supper, she is crying at my legs in a matter of seconds. She wraps her arms around my legs until she realizes there are cabinets and draws close by that she can empty! Hey, whatever allows me to get supper finished!
Baby is Growing Up!
It has been a crazy two months and an even crazier year! It is so rewarding and exciting to watch as our baby is growing up! And the best part? We have one more big update coming soon so stay tuned!