Blessed Farm Mama Life

Tessellations Artwork for Kids!

So I have been working on this online schooling stuff for about 5 weeks now, and I wanted to take the time to share the tessellations project that I have my 7th grade math students do each year. We are in the chapter about rotations, reflections, and translations, but this project is so easy and fun, it can be done at any time!

I start this project by introducing M.C. Escher, a mathematical artist with some really cool artwork. If you haven’t heard of him, be sure to look him up. I am sure your kids would like his artwork too!

Then, we get into the creating part. Watch the video below to see how we create our tessellations!

Here are the written instructions:

Creating a Tessellation: Instructions.
-	Pick a shape to tessellate, some are harder than others. 
-	Draw a section to cut out
-	Move cut sections to the opposite side of the shape and tape down.
-	Repeat so you have made a total of 2 or 3 cuts. 
-	Trace new shape onto copy paper. Translate, rotate, etc to fill paper with shape.
-	Come up with a design that you think you shape wants to take. USE YOUR IMAGINATION!
Draw in design and color neatly.
How to Create Tessellation Artwork: A Fun Art Project for Kids

I have also included a printout of the different shapes you can access through my FREE downloads link!

If you and/or your kids decide to do this project, I would love to see you work! Post to Instagram and tag me @blessedmamalife. Hope this can provide you with entertainment and fun these days! Happy creating!

Draw Like M.C. Escher: Easy Kids' Art Project!

Need something to do with your younger children? Check out my summertime activities post!

11 Outdoor Toddler Activities to Do At Home

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