Blessed Farm Mama Life

Soon to Be 2 Under 2: Worries About Transitioning to a Family of Four

Baby #2 is almost here! The baby’s bag and my hospital bag are packed. The cradle is set up and the car seat is latched into the car. It seems like we are all ready to go! I even have my sub plans lined up for school. (Shocking I know!) All that’s left is for this baby to arrive! Every day I wonder if today is going to be the day and I hope that it is because I don’t have anything left to prepare! I am getting anxious; but, then a moment happens where I’m not ready.

I have one of these moments when Mia and I have a fun time, a cuddle session, or a loving kiss. She is so happy to be with me and playing and running around, that I stop and wonder how this baby is going to affect her life. I start to worry because she doesn’t know what is going to happen in only a short week or two! All of a sudden, Mom won’t be exclusively hers anymore and she will have to share; and she doesn’t even like to share my lap with the cats.

Mom and baby before the sibling arrives!

Routines are About to Change

I know so many of our routines are about to flip upside down. Some of these worry me more than others!

Our morning routine is definitely going to change. Right now I wake Mia up and she might giggle in bed and point out the animals on her wall before I pull her out of bed and get her a cup of milk. Some mornings I cuddle with her on the couch as she drinks her milk and wakes up the rest of the way. I won’t even be able to lift her out of bed the first few mornings after the baby is born. Of course Cody will be there to help all he can, but a change in routine will still be difficult.

Routines will change when family transition to two under two.
So hard to wake up a toddler in the morning!

Suppertime. How in the world am I going to handle supper? Some days I can’t hardly cook with just Mia! Put a baby in the equation and the whole house might burn down! Luckily, I have put away a freezer meal almost every night so far this week, but those won’t last forever. I am planning on using my baby wrap to baby wear at times like these, but will it work?

Finally, bedtime is the routine that I think will be the most difficult. Every night we read a book or two and rock before I put Mia in bed. Will I have time to do so? Will the baby be fussy or hungry or sleeping in my arms at the same time Mia wants to read a story before bed?

More Love

I do have good moments pictured in my head too. Most of these fantasies take place outside. Probably because Mia loves it outside! 😀 One of my favorite thoughts consists of us out in the yard on a warm summer day. Mia is playing in her sandbox or kiddie pool (we will get one this year!) and the baby and I are hanging out right beside her. She runs up to us all happy and laughing about something she just did, and I get to act all excited for her. It’s a pretty picture but, I know not every moment is going to be one of those moments.

Transition to a family of four will take time and flexibility!
Mia already loves her sandbox!

I am not worried that we won’t have enough love to go around. The amount of love in our family is going to continue to expand and grow as we do! I just hope we are going to be able to show both of our children how much we love them!

Routine Routine Routine

Routines are transitioning and changing as the second baby comes along!

Studies all over say how helpful it is to get toddlers in a  routine, and I think we have a good one going for Mia. Now it is about to get dumped all upside down! I am just glad that she will still be going to daycare for a month after this baby is born. At least there her routine won’t change. She will have the same teachers and friends to play with and the same daily structure. (Thank goodness!) Just pray for us to get through this transition period. If we are lucky it will be tougher on me and Cody than it will on her! She seems to go with the flow pretty well… most of the time…

Moms, how did you manage with two under two? I am guessing that I am not the only mom who worried about these things as their family began to grow! What routines were you able to keep and what new ones did you implement that helped everyone in the family survive and feel loved?


2 thoughts on “Soon to Be 2 Under 2: Worries About Transitioning to a Family of Four

  1. To say not to worry is an understatement I know, but it will get better. Matilda gave me a hard time the first week but then she began to adjust. I did cry…mostly because I didn’t think I could do it but we are Moms with a capital “M” and we got this! You will do an amazing job and definitely having Mia at daycare will help with the transition. So happy for you and your blessing for your family 🙂

    1. Thanks! My encouragement to know we can do it is knowing that so many other people already have! How my grandmother did it with 10 kids I will never know.. so 2 can’t be bad right?! lol

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