Stop Comparing on Social Media – Here’s What I Really Need in Life
I have been blogging for almost 10 months now, and I have found it quite enjoyable. However, the whole process isn’t just writing posts, it has been promoting them as well. I’ve used different forms of social media and this has been half of the fun of blogging.
I have met some amazing women and moms, especially through Instagram. They all have different stories to tell and I have learned so much from them! But sometimes, it gets difficult. As I scroll through their pictures of their beautiful children playing with educational, imaginative toys, wearing perfectly matching outfits with a pristine, white house in the background, I start to compare myself to them.
When the comparing starts, it is so easy to forget how great of a life I really have! I don’t need to have the perfect pregnancy announcement or gender reveal. And the pristine house? We all know that’s not realistic! I have a whole post on how we live in our house, not show it off. Don’t get me wrong, everyone’s Instagram photos are beautiful and there are times I would love to take photos a little more like them, but this post does a good job of reminding me that they aren’t realistic.
What I Really Need
When I start thinking I need beautifully themed decorations for my daughter’s birthday party and start harassing her to take the perfect, cute picture (Have you tried getting a 1 year old to sit still for a photo?! Impossible!), it is time to take a step back and think about what is really needed in life!
Our biggest goal in life is to be happy right? We think the newest car, the shiniest phone and the biggest house will make us happy. But, those are just THINGS, and things don’t make us happy! The satisfaction from things only lasts a few moments, maybe a few days if we are lucky.
Many people don’t realize this, but as a Catholic School teacher, we have to do a religious study group for part of our inservice days, and we had a whole meeting on happiness and the beginning of this year, or was it last year? Either way I won’t ever forget it. The whole point of it was that God made us to be happy! The problem is how we go about trying to achieve that happiness.
Only through Him can true happiness be accomplished.
That means it is time to reflect on the blessings He gave us and be thankful for all the things that we have achieved through Him. Sometimes this is definitely easier said than done. I know through experience! Going to church, remembering to take time to pray and just be alone with Him all have helped. I am also currently participating in a bible study with my sisters and friend about hearing God’s voice.
One small habit that anyone can do at anytime, I learned at another of my professional development programs. I was told to list three things I am grateful for each day. And they can’t be the same three things every day!
So today I am grateful that. . .
- Mia asked to use the potty once! …even though she hasn’t done it since. Progress baby!
- I got to sleep in until 8 this morning. Neither little baby nor big baby woke me up.
- My dishwasher works and I did NOT have to do all those dishes on the counter by hand!
- I found an amazing chocolate mug cake recipe that helps meet my pregnancy cravings! 😀
(Yea, that’s four things, but more is better right!?)
Support System
One aspect of life all those pictures on Instagram and Facebook don’t provide me with? A support system. People I can turn to when all the stuff in life just isn’t going right and the gratitude listing just isn’t cutting it. On the flip side of things, I can’t see the support system behind all of those wonderful mothers’ pictures as well. None of us can get through life without the help of some very special people!
I am so lucky to have my wonderful husband, family and friends. Between them all, there is someone there when I need them! Their support gets me through each day and I am so happy that our children will receive love from more than just my husband and I.

So thank you mom, dad, sisters, husband, mother-in-law, father-in-law, and friends for all you do for me! You are the ones that truly keep us from moving away from this small town. We love having you around and if there is ever anything that you need done, just know that we are there for you as well.
A Way to Give Back
Being happy and having a support system are great and important, but one of the easiest ways to remember how lucky and blessed I am is to make sure there are ways that I can pass these blessings along to others. When I share with others, or take the time to do something for someone else, I am reminded of all of my blessings.
I am lucky that giving back is a large part of my job. As a teacher, I am always giving time to others. Sure, there are times I am compensated for it, but there are also times I am not. Seeing a student’s face when they finally understand something and watching the lightbulb flick on shows that I am doing something worthwhile. One of my favorite parts of my job is when they ask questions that I can’t answer! It means I have inspired them to think beyond what they have to know to what they want to know. (Thank goodness for Google!)
I also love in our community and school that we have the opportunity to teach the students how to give as a part of our curriculum. We have all sorts of service projects throughout the year for local community members and organizations. This year alone we have baked pies, had coin drives, made Christmas care packages and had a food drive. Giving back is also as easy as showing up to a pancake breakfast sometimes and eating some delicious breakfast!
Our community is so wonderful in coming together, and being a part of it all is a great opportunity I love taking advantage of! It would be more difficult to do in a larger community I think. I would need to work a little harder to find a way to be involved and help out, but then again, giving back doesn’t have to be big. It can be a simple random act of kindness that makes one person’s day just a little bit easier.
Stop Comparing on Social Media
Wow, just writing this post makes me feel overly blessed. I will be coming back to read it over and over when I start comparing myself again! Social media has its positives and is a wonderful way to connect with people all over the world, we just have to remember that our lives are different. We can’t all have the same opportunities and talents or this world would be boring and would not work!
What in your life helps remind you that you are blessed? Because you are! You have talents that need shared!! What are you thankful and grateful for today? Share your thoughts below. You might have an idea that I need to consider and appreciate in my own life!