Blessed Farm Mama Life

4 Items that I am Thankful to Have Around as a Mom

So, we are deep into this month of giving thanks and Turkey day is this week! It makes me reflect on all of the things that I am thankful for in my life, and believe me, it’s quite a list! Of course, my husband, kids and family make that list. Not only do they make me who I am, they make me want to be a better person for them. My parents, in-laws, and siblings are also at the tippy top of that list. Not only is their love for us and for our kids something we couldn’t live without, the ability to depend on them for help with the kids in a pinch or for a much needed date night is invaluable!

However, when I start thinking about all of the things that help me with our kids, there are definitely a few physical items that stand out as well and I can’t help but think about how thankful I am to have them around my house. And as Black Friday is right around the corner, I will share them and maybe you can score something awesome on sale!

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Baby Wrap

Babywearing is the only way I get things done around the house somedays and my large stretchy baby wrap has become our favorite way to wear. I used it some with Mia, but Wyatt has been worn in it twice as much as she ever was. It helps that I have become more confident with it and he is big enough to try some different carries. Wyatt loves to be in on all the action and hates being left out. Wearing him is the way I can still use two hands and he can be right next to me. We switch back and forth between carries, but this is one of his favorites.

The baby wrap that I use is not a name brand and it works amazing! There is no need to spend tons of money on one. If you have been thinking about getting one, I highly recommend this one

baby wearing front carry
Getting housework done!

My wrap is definitely more comfortable in the winter now that it has cooled off some. In the summer I tend to opt for my Boba soft structured carrier as it is cooler. Both of them are a great help, but the wrap has been something I am very thankful for this month! Maybe I will have to do a whole post on babywearing sometime as we have gotten much better at it with Wyatt.

baby wearing in front carry with toddler
Mia sometimes gets jealous 🙂 but it’s definitely easier to carry two when wearing one!

Leftovers/Freezer Meals

Okay, so freezer meals really aren’t an item, but they are a thing that have been extrememly helpful to have with two tiny children running around. Even though I love to cook, I am definitely NOT in the mood to cook every night. Some nights the kids just don’t make it possible to cook either. Therefore, when I do have the desire and time to cook, I always make more than needed. The leftovers then get ate the next day or frozen for future use. All we ate one week was freezer meals and it made my life SO much easier!

Sound Projector

We have had this Munchkin Nursery Projector and Sound System since Mia was born and she still uses it daily . . . well, nightly. I have a whole section on this projector in this post about when I first set up Mia’s nursery, but it is still great for a few reasons.

  1. Its sound options keep Mia from being woke up by other noises in the house. She also loves to play with the different options now.
  2. The projector acts as a nightlight and displays pretty pictures on the ceiling. This is also one of Mia’s favorite things because she can switch out the disks for different animal scenes.
  3. I like that I can see her when I peek into her room at night.
  4. It allows mama to get some sleep!

Ninja Blender

My Ninja Blender was given to me by my mother-in-law a few Christmases ago and it is probably one of my most used Christmas gifts. Not only do I like to make easy smoothies for breakfast (one banana, coconut yogurt, peanut butter, and cow’s milk), I have also started using it to make pureed foods for Wyatt to eat. We did baby led weaning with Mia right off the bat, and while I wanted to do it with Wyatt too, I just haven’t had the time or resources this time around to give it a go. So, I cook fruits and veggies and blend them up in the Ninja cups for him to eat. Leftovers get frozen in an ice cube tray so they can be popped out and warmed up for future meals! Yes, I like this brand, but any blender that could handle small amounts would probably do!

making your own baby purees from fresh foods is easy!
Yummy! Bananas and Avocado!

What items are you thankful to have around your house this year? Yea, it’s just stuff, but it was invented for a reason . . .  to make our lives as moms easier! Leave yours in the comments below!

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